What's On
Weekly/Monthly Timetable

6.15pm - 7.15pm
Carrie Moore
contact: centaur_therapies@hotmail.com
Pilates classes led by Carrie Moore are a great way to keep fit and flexible in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. All levels are catered for - just do as much or as little as you feel able to. Don’t be deceived, though! Pilates may look gentle, but you’ll no doubt be feeling the burn! To take part, just book in, and turn up wearing loose fitting clothing which will allow you to move freely. No special equipment is needed initially, but please bring a blanket to lie on if you don’t already have a mat.

Hatha Yoga
9.30am - 11am
Gail Shakespeare
contact: www.bookwhen.com/ginger.yoga
Yoga at the Village Hall is run by Gail Shakespeare, a teacher with the British Wheel of Yoga, who has been practicing yoga for over 20 years. Gail's classes include pranayama/breathing exercises, meditation, and guided relaxations, and are suitable for all abilities. Beginners are very welcome. It would be helpful to have a warm blanket at each lesson so you can fully enjoy the relaxation part of each class. You will also need a yoga mat as Gail is currently unable to provide these.

Parent & Toddler Group
9.30am - 11am
contact: enquiries@loppingtonvillagehall.co.uk
Parent and Toddler Group provides an essential community-run opportunity for parents/grandparents/carers and their children to relax and socialise together in a friendly, supportive, inclusive atmosphere. Catering for new-borns through to pre-school age children, we offer a variety of toys, crafts and shared songs each week. Tea and coffee is provided for adults, and we encourage parents to bring a snack for their child which they can sit together at a table and enjoy. Our group runs during term times only. Cost £1.50 per child up to 9 months, £2.50 over 9 months old, £3 per session for two or more children.

Youth Club
6.30pm - 8pm
Youth Club caters for all ages from 6 to 16 and runs during term times only. Loads of different activities are offered. Youth Club has the use of both the Hall and Recreation Ground, so it’s a great opportunity for the kids to let off steam with their friends. Volunteers to help run the club are always welcome too!

Flicks in the Sticks
Last Tuesday of the Month
Adults: £5 under 16’: £2,50
Doors open at 7pm
7.30pm start
Each month from September to April, Flicks in the Sticks provides a great opportunity for the community to come together to watch a selection of films, ranging from popular box-office hits to older classics or less well-known films, which we may otherwise miss out on. The bar is an essential feature of the evening. No booking is necessary.

Women's Institute
Loppington WI is a friendly and welcoming group which is open to women of all ages. Meeting in the Village Hall on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7.15 pm, we offer an interesting and varied programme of speakers and demonstrations. We also share joint meetings and events such as craft days and Christmas parties with nearby Wem WI groups. If you are interested in the great outdoors, our walking group meets once a month, with tea to round off the day.
Prospective new members are welcome to join us for a taster session at no charge; we look forward to meeting you!
Loppington Village Hall
Hall Bookings
Jane Pryce